西班牙巴塞羅那,2024年2月26日–作為全球先進的智聯汽車解決方案領導者,哈曼今日正式推出旗下全新產品——哈曼 Ready Connect 5G TCU產品。該產品借助高通公司(Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.)尖端的Snapdragon® Digital Chassis™智聯汽車技術,為突破互聯限制,普及智能網聯汽車技術帶來了新的機遇。依托第二代驍龍汽車5G調制解調器及射頻平臺(Snapdragon® Auto 5G Modem-RF Gen 2),哈曼 Ready Connect 5G TCU產品實現了智能網聯汽車技術的重大突破,在為消費者提供豐富座艙體驗的同時,大大縮短了汽車廠商的產品上市和設計開發時間。哈曼 Ready Connect 5G TCU在2024世界移動通信大會(MWC)上閃耀亮相后,目前已正式在市場投放。
作為科技領域的領導者,哈曼與高通一直致力于提供各類解決方案,滿足當今消費者的需求,同時為下一代智聯汽車技術的發展奠定深厚基礎。在Snapdragon® Modem-RF Gen 2的助力下,哈曼 Ready Connect 5G TCU產品不僅具有無與倫比的通訊性能,同時最大限度提升了可升級性、可擴展性和可使用性,以滿足當今汽車市場不斷變化的需求。
哈曼汽車事業部智能網聯部門高級副總裁 Pascal Peguret 表示:“哈曼正和高通攜手重新定義智聯汽車的未來。Ready Connect 5G TCU正是這一共同愿景的證明,它顛覆了傳統的TCU設計方案,旨在更便捷有效地滿足汽車廠商的需求,同時加快產品上市速度,并大幅降低開發成本!
高通公司產品管理副總裁Jeff Arnold表示:“作為無線技術領域的先驅,高通很高興能進一步加強與哈曼的長期合作關系,共同推動Ready Connect 5G TCU產品走向業界。該產品充分彰顯了我們致力于推動汽車行業智能網聯技術創新的決心,通過Snapdragon Modem-RF Gen 2的應用,實現產品性能、可靠性以及前沿技術的無縫融合!
今年2月,哈曼的Ready Connect 5G TCU產品在世界移動通信大會(MWC)上閃耀亮相。哈曼邀請業界同行來到現場共同探索這一技術合作的優點,并親身體驗哈曼 Ready Connect 5G TCU產品,以了解其如何助力塑造智聯汽車技術的未來。
關于哈曼(中國)專業音視系統HARMAN (harman.com) designs and engineers connected products and solutions for automakers, consumers, and enterprises worldwide, including connected car systems, audio and visual products, enterprise automation solutions; and services supporting the Internet of Things.
With leading brands including AKG®, Harman Kardon®, Infinity®, JBL®, Lexicon®, Mark Levinson® and Revel®, HARMAN is admired by audiophiles, musicians and the entertainment venues where they perform around the world.
More than 50 million automobiles on the road today are equipped with HARMAN audio and connected car systems.
Our software services power billions of mobile devices and systems that are connected, integrated and secure across all platforms, from work and home to car and mobile. HARMAN has a workforce of approximately 30,000 people across the Americas, Europe, and Asia.
In March 2017, HARMAN became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Samsung Electronics.